Pilot Training videos, Handbook and Waiver

This page contains most of the information an aspiring pilot for CWAM will have to be familiar with.  It starts with our first Zoom orientation session for those interested in the program and is followed by the Zoom session we had outlining the 10 skills of a good pilot for all those who had submitted and Expression of Interest form.  I have embedded both these sessions below followed by the Q&A session following the 10 Skills presentation.

Please take some time to view and study these short training videos that have been created by Lanark County CWA and being used with their permission.  They have a similar model of trishaw to ours.

This video is on the battery and electric controls for the e-assist motor

The next video is on Braking and Stopping the trishaw

The third video is on maneuvering on curbs and uneven ground

The fourth video is on loading and unloading passengers.

After viewing these few videos, take a look as some provided by Cycling Without Age on a different model of trishaw.  This first 5 minute one by Ole Kassow has English subtitles.

The following playlist of 8 videos uploaded by Kiersten Cleeves has English voice over

This video from Hamilton/Burlington CWA interviews a few pilots from their chapter.

This extensive Pilot Training Handbook ends with a section to be acknowledged by the pilot at the end of their training prior to be assigned to any rides.  We have created an online version of this waiver that will substitute for this document and can be archived electronically.  You will also need to upload your Peel Police clearance certificate and COVID current proof of vaccination and/or undergo testing prior to being assigned any ride as per the institution protocols.  However, you may continue with pilot training prior to submitting any documents.

The images at the tops of pages 12 and 13 are of a different model of trishaw.  We will update the manual as we create images of our distinctive model which is essentially the same as the Ami trishaw.  There may be a few differences in the operational procedures described but most will be essentially the same.

Please take the time to go over this handbook prior to finalizing your training date so that you can be familiar with the procedures and requirements.


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